It's fairly incredible and unbelievable that it is already the third of June. June has always been a month that has taken me by surprise, as it usually comes on the heels--or in the midst--of some manic attempt to complete something or somethings. It is the end of the school year, the choral season, the spring. This year, it is the end of my stay in Bulgaria.
As a result of all of these, I'm usually exhausted by the time this month rolls around, and it, despite my lack of foresight in anticipation thereof, that is always welcome, as it means the summer--which typically equates to a glorious period of rest and fun--is right around the corner. Which is now the case.
I have one more week, plus a couple of fudge days during the next, to finish drafting my thesis. A good thing, too, because I'm seriously starting to question my ability to write anything more at all. I have never applied myself to an academic venture of this magnitude before, and I'm worn out. This process has imbued me with the perspective to be flabbergasted by the reality that there are thousands of people out there who do this every spring, working under stricter deadlines than I, with more in their schedules.
The good thing is, though, that today I got such a day, as I decided to leave my work for tonight--it remains to be done--and to just get out and relax. This morning I met Irena, committed the heinously indulgent crime of buying ice cream at 10:30 AM, busked out on Vitosha Blvd. for about an hour, went to a cafe, tried in vain to organize my notes so I could begin writing section 9, actually organized my notes, began section 9, and then chilled out with fellow Sofian Fulbrighter Sophia and her friend Adrienne for a couple hours to commemorate the 45 minutes of real work I had done earlier in the day.
And a good day it was for it, too, as this is the first day it hasn't rained (though four hours remain, I suppose, in which precipitation that would force me to eat my words could ensue) in, no lie, more than a month. I wore shorts today, and sat in the sun for awhile. It was really--really!--nice.
But as a result of this relative loafing, I'm left with many pages to write tonight, so I will bid you adieu and goodbye. Until next week, when, hopefully, I will be bursting with the news that my first draft is complete. Here's to hope.
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